Friday, December 3, 2010

Kids Keep Warm Together

Kids huddle together atop silver foil insulation, pressed beside the brooder's warmth.
We've had some pretty cold nights since the last lot of kids arrived. Most are below freezing, some have gotten into the twenties and teens. Although we keep two heat lamps lit in their suite--one in the dog crate occupied by the keets, and one hanging from the hayrack affixed to the wall--not all six kids can get under a lamp together. One reason for this is that Thumbelina and/or Jennifer, two of the Nigerian Dwarf mama goats, often manage to stand directly beneath the red heat lamp, hogging its warmth.

Is that the top of Kendall's head visible behind Lisa?
In the top photo, I count five of the six kids. Loyal on the left, Luke on the right, and in the center--back to front--MollyToo, Logan, and Lisa. However, a very close inspection reveals that Miss Kendall is tucked in front of Logan; I only "saw" her because the third photo shows her walking away when the group dispersed! Looking back to the middle shot, the star atop her little head is clearly present in front of Logan.

There's little Kendall strolling away, on the left.
The smallest of the six kids, Kendall sure seems adept at taking advantage of her size! Buried in that pile shown at the top of the page, hardly any of her was exposed to the chilly air. Go, Kendall!

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