Luke leaps onto the kid-cave with ease; Kendall struggles to clamber up. |
Just in case the Nigerian Dwarf runt kid Kendall was targeted by the adult goats in the barn last week, when she moved back out to the barn yesterday we added a plastic kid-cave into which she might escape if the adult does thought to bully her. Practically as soon as I had set the trashcan down on its side, Kendall vanished. Since I had put a grain bag into the container to serve as a rug, and some hay for bedding, I could not immediately locate the gal--even with her bright hoodie.
Buckling Luke promptly butts away the competition. |
In short order, though, she came out to play with the other kids. Although Kendall survived her ordeal of the past week, she's been mending while the other kids have been growing. It took her considerable effort to surmount the horizontal trashcan. Her reward for said efforts? Playtime! Doe Thumbelina's kid, Luke, "welcomed" Kendall with the standard goat greeting and challenge: a solid head-butt, packed with youthful energy. And down went Kendall.
Molly & Luther watch the keets' new home get situated. |
The stall is getting crowded now, so those keets will be moving out soon. I just need to fashion an enclosure that will contain them safely. The chain-link dog run beside the fattening roosters would be ideal except that it's so very open to the elements and not conveniently close to an electrical outlet should we want to add a heat lamp. This afternoon I towed the little metal trailer over close to the deck; at least its tall sides will cut the wind's force. Tomorrow I'll see about "tightening up" the larger openings in the wire side panels.
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