Saturday, December 18, 2010

Kendall is Saved!

Little Kendall poses beneath the sink on her day off the farm.
Yesterday Kendall's partially-planned play-date next door was canceled when we rose to find her faring less well than expected. Instead she was packed into the car and ferried to church. 'Twas a quiet day at Metropolitan and the little goat mending in the ladies' room was well out of the way.

When we arrived mid-morning, she was energetic enough to wander into a corner, where she promptly fell asleep. Every hour or so I would look in on her and I was thrilled when at one check I found she had drunk half the water left out in a bowl. When little kids are unwell, the smallest indications of progress can be cause for celebration.

At around 3:00 p.m. she seemed more alert, so I set her out in the hall to see what she would do. I was heartened to see her take an interest in her surroundings--she stood for many minutes by the front door, studying the noisy starlings in the trees along the road. Then, about fifteen minutes later, I finally heard her cry out--a hearty little goat bleat--I was elated.

After that she became energized. Every so often her frantic bleating would call me out of the office and I found her roaming about the entryway, through the sanctuary, and into the kitchen. Indeed, after just a few hours of rest in the church, little Kendall's health seemed restored. By the time we left for home, she was practically a normal little goat again, albeit one wearing a diaper and newborn-size hoodie.

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