Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Keet on the Move

This fledgling keet is out for a spin. Momma hen, setting on a clutch of eggs in the next stall's corner feed tub, remains unimpressed.
The keets have been with us for nearly a month now and some of them are getting a bit restless. Indeed, last week when I was changing their water and refreshing their food, one young'un blustered out the crate door and past me--eager to explore the larger world.

Not having seen young guineas growing before, and always intrigued by the growth of young birds, I took a minute to watch this fella (or gal, I cannot tell the difference at this point). He (or she) strutted about the stall until I made a move to reach for him (or her), then he (or she) flew up to the cattle panel dividing one stall from the next.

This keet's feather patterns seem more pronounced. And, do I detect a hint of a lump on that head?
The keets' feathers are becoming more pronounced, and their patterns appear to be becoming more distinct. I sometimes think I notice the lump on their heads beginning to appear, then I look again and believe I've been imagining things.

When I had had enough of examining the young bird, he (or she) was easy to scoop up and move back into the dog crate / keet brooder. Very soon I'll need to design alternate accommodations for these almost-adolescent young guineas.

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