Percentage Nubian kids Emmilye and Erin, ready to play. |
With the warmer weather today, I slipped the flannel coats off of the two doelings. All it took was to open the button at the neck, then to hold the sleeve while each kid walked out. There's little sense in keeping them bundled up when they could be acclimating to the weather.
Played out, the kids again recline beneath their warming lamp. |
Even so, we've chosen to leave the heat lamp on around the clock. The kids venture out of its warmth to caper and play, but only briefly. Being a kid takes work, and their biggest job is sleep. Within a few minutes they tire and return to pile themselves into a companionable heap beneath the warm, red glow.
Our goose enjoying the impromptu puddles the weather provided. |
Outside the clouds skid by overhead, loosing drenching rain upon the earth. Our goose, LaLa, enjoys the presence of the multitude of temporary ponds--all apparently provided for her bathing convenience.
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