Sitting in the shade of a shag bark hickory, LaLa and JoJo, our geese, enjoy the coolness of the earth in the spot they've selected. Busy farm hands, they've been contributing to the decomposition of the compost pile for their selected spot was once our manure pile. Likely with the chickens' help, they've scattered the pile, turned and aerated it, then scattered the pile again. Now, instead of a hot manure pile, they have an expanse of cool earth on which to rest their tail feathers as they while away another hot afternoon.
Behind them the horses feast on a fresh bale of hay. They're likely wondering when they'll be loosed to roam the front pastures again. Soon, I tell them. As soon as the work men have completed the installation of this second batch of automatic waterers, then the horses and goats will be free to roam and graze on fresh greens, and not have to settle for the dried out hay I have to offer them in captivity.
With all this heat, the evening was bound to bring showers. We sat on the porch for a bit as the dusk settled, listening to the falling rain, enjoying the show put on by fireflies flirting all across our little hillside.
This was so beautiful. Thank you for sharing!!
Glad to ...
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