Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cannibalistic Chickens

Biscuit treat: an egg wearing the yolk of its predecessor.
Those white Leghorn chickens have become problematic. Not only did they kill one of their own a while back, but now they have begun eating their eggs--regularly. The three white eggs we should be collecting per day have dwindled. Some days we get one; many days we get none at all.

I suppose it is my fault. By sometimes dropping an egg though the chain link between the hens and Biscuit, the kenneled livestock guardian, I allowed them to get a taste for eggs by reaching through the mesh. Although I noticed it at the time, I did not realize that I was actually helping them to acquire a taste for eggs.

Now even if I wanted to let them free-range with the other birds, I fear that this would put the rest of our egg harvest at risk--so they will remain caged, although I do hope to transfer them to a pasture-based chicken tractor soon.

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