Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Little Truck that Could

She makes carrying the load look easy going downhill.
The farmer from whom I purchase most of our hay these days, Clint, told me once that he thinks my little farm truck swears at me each time he sets a round bale into her bed. He may well be right. She does sink down considerably and her rear tires spread a tad wider.

Even so, I'm not one to underestimate what that little pickup can do. She's a 1985 Isuzu Pup that likes to stall out at stops and turns, but always, always gets underway again. So when I went to get hay today, we towed along the little trailer and loaded in 21 square bales before crossing the street to have a round bale loaded.

Of course, I had not thought to check the trailer's tires and one side was low when the load had been piled in. Luckily Clint's girl friend was handy and took me up to a house with an air compressor. We are glad she saved her good deed for the day until we came along; we would not have wanted to get stuck along  any of the fifteen miles of narrow, hilly, winding country roads on the way home.

We're proud that our little truck keeps on going, and going, and going. The animals who rely on her appreciate her dedication, too.

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