Wednesday, November 2, 2011

We Miss Our Milk

Our newest kids wholly enjoy the blessings of fresh milk.
The new kids have been enjoying all the fresh goat milk they can guzzle for long enough that we humans have exhausted our in-home milk stores. All that is left in the refrigerator is some souring milk awaiting escort to some lucky garden plot. The daily morning smoothies, tall glasses of milk--fresh and warm, or already chilled, and endless batches of fresh ice cream and cheese are but fond memories for now. Although the new kids are bulking up rapidly, once they've been weaned it will be time to dry off the does in preparation for their winter kids. So sad. I look forward to the day when we have enough does again to time breeding and delivery such that we can enjoy fresh milk year-round. 

So recently we enjoyed a comfortable excess of milk. I could guzzle a glass or two on a whim, have milk for a meal or a snack between meals, fold fresh cheese into our eggs with each meal, and savor the cold sweetness of ice cream for a treat. It took us a good week after the new kids arrived to exhaust our personal stores. The wide-mouthed gallon jars that my dad had saved are back on the shelves--clean, dry and empty. They may even revert to storing dry goods again soon, since we won't have fresh milk again until at least February. Ah, I did so enjoy being spoiled while the wealth lasted.

At least we can continue to gain some of the raw milk benefits through our daily intake of Action Whey. Thank you, Emerald Express, for that gift.

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