Stroganoff & Chili rest up at home before their night on the town. |
After our county extension agent extended the invitation, our kids were elated to return to visit the Wilson County Master Gardener 2011 intern class this week. When I lifted the red tub--used to tote them--into the pasture, little Lisa scampered over. "Pick me! Pick me! I want to come, too!" she seemed to be saying. Poor gal, the tub was full with just the Nubian kids and she got left behind this week. (I did make sure to tell the class that Lisa had been quite eager to come back to visit with them.)
Kids practice trimming ornamental shrubbery. |
During the first portion of the class, the kids romped and played outside, waiting to be invited in at break. I enjoyed their company, but was sorry to be missing entomologist David Cook's presentation about local insects and plants. His talks are always fascinating.
Stroganoff bonds with the chairwoman of the intern class. |
At the break, the kids entered the building and made the rounds--being cuddled, snuggled, and petted by just about everyone in attendance. I enjoyed listening to the conversations flowing about the room, especially hearing the interns who were present last week informing the newcomers, "Those are meat goats." What quick studies our 2011 interns are!
A case of plant galls, one of David Cook's traveling displays. |
The thirteen-year cicadas are back! (Our guineas will love them.) |
Exotic cicadas from Thailand, another of David's displays. |
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